Misterhost.de made it their business to host you to your success.
We take care of all technical issues, so you can put all your effort in your online-affairs.
Our offers cover a whole variety from reasonably priced Webhosting to allocation of secure SSL-Certificates to the domain of your desire.
Don’t be scared of all these things like Webhosting and SSL-Certificates.
Our Support is available 24/7, so just contact us;we will answer all your questions in an understandable way.
Business Server
Increase your companies’ productivity using our powerful and easy-to-handle servers. 199 €
Decide for yourself what software you want to install on a server. Our Rootservers grant you full flexibility. 69,99 €
Powerful Host-Servers manage the allotted resources. You have access to 24 different images. ab 1,99 €
Your web presence will always be online. That, we guarantee
Our staff would love to assist you with your choice of products.
You have access to 24 images from Debian to Ubuntu with e.g. ISPCP, Froxlor, ISPConfig etc.