Misterhost only collects and uses personal user data only for contract- and payment-relevant issues.
Clearing and settlement of a contract usually require name, address, phone number, e-mail-address and banking connection as well as the user’s access code. This data is usually gathered through electronic order forms.
The user is made aware of the fact that in order to register a domain the transmission of certain personal data, in general name and address, to the respective national and international registration departments and the publishing in freely accessible Whois-databases is required.
An example: In order to register a .de-domain, name and address of the domain-owner, the administrative and technical contact and the zone-manager and additionally phone- and fax-number as well as the e-mail-address of the technical contact and the zone-manager DENIC e.G., Frankfurt/Main are transmitted and published on the DENIC-database at
As far as the usage data is required for billing issues, this data is kept in storage to a maximum of 6 months after the bill was send. Beyond that, data is only stored if and while the user is bringing objection against the bill or doesn’t pay the bill after demand for payment. If the data is needed to fulfill existing legal, registered or contractual storage periods, Misterhost takes action and locks the data.
Due to the stipulation of the existing legislation, Misterhost is allowed to furnish particulars to law enforcement agencies and courts for the purpose of prosecution. Upon request, Misterhost grants its users free and immediate information about their stored personal data. On demand, this information can be provided electronically.